Mostly sunny, 18° - 28°

Tides - 5:13am - 1.51m | 12:21pm - 0.65m | 6:11pm - 1.15m | 11:31pm - 0.75m |

Swell - 06:00 0.8m E, 5" | 12:00 0.8m ESE, 8" | 18:00 1.1m E, 5"

Under 9's

U/9 Nippers - Surf Aware 2

Preliminary Evaluation

Swim Distance: 25m (any stroke) Survival Float: 1 minute


Topic Learning Outcome
Introduction to Surf Life Saving
Lesson: Welcome to the family!
Develops an understanding of surf life saving in Australia Identifies the surf club as a welcoming place
Personal Safety
Lesson: My High Five
Identify people in their own personal safety network that they can ask for help
Lesson: Humans on the coast
Identify natural and man made objects in the beach environment
Recognise the environmental impact they can have on the beach
Physical Health & Wellbeing and Personal Safety
Lesson: Drink. Eat. Exercise.
Recognise the importance of hydration, nutrition and exercise as part of their participation in the junior program
Surf Conditions and Hazards
Lesson: An angry sea
Identify a surging, spilling and plunging wave
Recognise the dangers swimmers can be exposed to with a changing tide.
Surf Safety
Lesson: F.L.A.G.S.
Identify the 5 beach safety tips using the F.L.A.G.S. acronym
First Aid
Lesson: Getting the right help
Recognise what an emergency situation is
Describe when and how to dial ‘000’ if an emergency situation is identified
Describe the steps associated with calling ‘000’
Signs and Signals
Lesson: Signs of the times
Identify different safety signs on their beach and their meaning
Understand the three different sign shapes and colours
Board: Paddling Technique
Lesson: All a-board
Attempt or perform positioning on a nipper board
Attempt or perform paddling on a nipper board
Swim: Body Surfing
Lesson: Stiff as a board
Attempt or perform body surfing on a wave
Beach Sprint: Technique
Lesson: In a rush
Attempt or perform basic running technique on sand
Flags: Diving for Baton
Lesson: Diving for the precious
Attempt or perform diving for a beach flag