Possible shower, 16° - 22°

Tides - 5:22am - 0.29m | 11:28am - 1.60m | 5:19pm - 0.44m | 11:45pm - 1.93m |

Swell - 06:00 4.5m SSE, 12" | 12:00 4.7m SSE, 12" | 18:00 4.6m SE, 13"

Love Killcare Beach?

Join The Club!

New members are always welcome!

If you love Killcare Beach as much as us, come on down and get involved! It's not just for lifesavers either; whether you're young or not so much, super fit or more suited to helping us keep this invaluable community facility on its feet, there are plenty of ways to get involved and everyone is welcome.

We have an open day coming up where you can come down, talk to the crew and see how you can fit in.

Whether you're signing up for your first season of Nippers, looking to get your Bronze Medallion and join us on patrol, or able to help us out in any other way, you're welcome!



Membership Options

Online Membership

Membership for Killcare SLSC can now be completed online.

Simply click here and follow the instructions.

PLEASE NOTE: Online memberships and renewals will not be accepted by the club until fee payment is made.

If you encounter any problems in using the online system then call the SLSA Helpdesk on 1300 724 006

Registration at the Surf Club

The Membership Form must be completed by all members at the beginning of each season whether joining, renewing or transferring membership. All new members and members renewing their membership after a leave of absence of at least one season are required to sign the Member Protection Declaration. Please bring the completed forms to the club on one of the Registration Days.

Note: For all new Junior registrations a copy of your child’s original birth certificate needs to be viewed as proof of age is a requirement (we do not need a copy).

Download the Membership Application Form

Download the Member Protection Declaration

As a core focus of the Club is our youth programs, we encourage everyone to obtain a Working With Children's Check. Volunteer WWCC's are free of charge. Some roles within the Club are required to have a WWCC, howevr there are exemptions.

For more details on the WWCC you can download this fact sheet.

Click here to apply for a WWCC