Mostly sunny, 18° - 28°

Tides - 5:13am - 1.51m | 12:21pm - 0.65m | 6:11pm - 1.15m | 11:31pm - 0.75m |

Swell - 06:00 0.8m E, 5" | 12:00 0.8m ESE, 8" | 18:00 1.1m E, 5"

Flexible Patrolling SOP's

Flexible Patrolling Options Decision Tree

Full Patrol

A full patrol must meet all minimum personnel and award requirements to be categorised as a full patrol.

A full patrol shall consist of 3 or more financial and proficient surf lifesavers who hold the following surf lifesaving patrol awards:

*The above qualifications may be held collectively by Bronze Medallion (PSAR Cert II) holders as long as the same person does not hold both IRB Driver and IRB Crew positions. Where required, the Patrol Captain may be the award holder of any/all the above minimum requirements.

Full patrols must operate based on the following criteria:

Partial Patrol

A Partial Patrol must meet all minimum personnel and award requirements as outlined below to be categorised as a Partial Patrol.

A Partial Patrol shall consist of proficient surf lifesavers who hold the following surf lifesaving patrol awards:

*The above qualifications may be held collectively by the 2 x proficient Bronze Medallion (PSAR Cert II) holders or 1 x Gold Medallion (PSAR Cert III) holder. Where required, the Patrol Captain may be the award holder of any/all the above minimum requirements.

Partial Patrols may take place in accordance with the following criteria: