Shower or two, 18° - 23°

Tides - 4:26am - 0.27m | 10:35am - 1.74m | 4:37pm - 0.34m | 10:56pm - 1.94m |

Swell - 06:00 3.9m SSE, 10" | 12:00 4m SSE, 10" | 18:00 4.1m SSE, 10"

Under 10's

U/10 Nippers - Surf Safe 1

Preliminary Evaluation

Swim Distance: 25m (freestyle) Survival Float: 1½ minutes


Topic Learning Outcome
Introduction to Surf Life Saving
Lesson: Welcome to the family!
Develop and understanding of surf life saving in Australia
Identify the surf club as a welcoming place
Personal Safety
Lesson: You can talk
Identify times when they might feel unsafe and can ask for help
Identify adults at their surf club that can help them
Lesson: Water Conservation
Understand the natural water cycle and water collection methods
Identify ways in which water usage can be reduced/recycled at the surf club
Sun Safety
Lesson: That’s sunsmart
Identify and demonstrate the sunsmart guidelines
Understand the consequences of skin damage caused by sunburn
Surf Conditions and Hazards
Lesson: You little ripper
Identify how rips are formed and what they look like Understand how to escape a rip
Lesson: Not a happy manikin
Understand the basic principles of resuscitation
Signs and Signals
Lesson: You want me where?
Demonstrate the following signals: return to shore, proceed further out to sea, go left, go right and remain stationary
Rescue Techniques
Lesson: Behave!
Recognise unsafe behaviours at the beach
Identify the actions of a beach user in an unsafe situation
Develop an understanding of preventative actions
Board: Entering and Exiting the Surf
Lesson: Hop-a-long
Attempt or perform carrying and dragging a nipper board into the water
Attempt or perform bunnyhopping a nipper board into the water
Board: Negotiating the Surf
Lesson: Getting through it
Attempt or perform sitting over a wave on a nipper board
Attempt or perform paddling through a wave on a nipper board
Board: Board Rescue
Lesson: Serious fun swimmer
Recognise how body boards can be used to assist a distressed
Demonstrate skills required to assist a distressed swimmer
Swim: Tube Rescue
Lesson: Baywatch style
Recognise a rescue tube and what it is used for
Beach Sprint: Beach Relay
Lesson: Your turn
Attempt or perform a beach relay baton change