Shower or two, 18° - 23°

Tides - 4:26am - 0.27m | 10:35am - 1.74m | 4:37pm - 0.34m | 10:56pm - 1.94m |

Swell - 06:00 3.9m SSE, 10" | 12:00 4m SSE, 10" | 18:00 4.1m SSE, 10"

Caring for Body

and Mind

We don't just drag bodies out of rips

quadra member

Pete Bagnall


'Bags' is a trained Lifeline counsellor who is open about his own experience 'on the edge'. He is always available for a completely confidential chat. Call Pete on 0428 389 829.

Pete is also at the Club every Wednesday night from 8-9pm if you want to have a face-to-face chat.

quadra member

Dr Stephen Hinks

Club Chaplain

For personal pastoral support please contact Stephen Hinks on 0439 744 657.

quadra member

Craig Sheppard

Member Protection Information Officer

Craig's role is to guide you through your options in the case of a greivance against the Club or a member of the Club. Contact Craig on 0407 994 177.

One of the great things about belonging to a club like Killcare SLSC is that you are surrounded by people who care. The very nature of people who put up their hand to train, qualify and then pay money for the privilege of giving up hours and hours of their favourite season to put themselves in danger to pull people out of harms way, means that there's plenty of people you can talk to if you're struggling.

Tragically, we have lost club members to suicide in the past and we never want it to happen again. If you are feeling up against it on any front, please know we're here to help. You can talk to any of the Club hierarchy or simply put up your hand to someone you know and trust. It can be hard to ask for help, but please ask.

On the other side of the coin, we spend relatively short but intense periods with each other, whether it's your patrol, nippers, committee meetings, comps, the list goes on. The simplest of questions - are you ok? - can be the start of a journey out of the mire for someone. Ask it.

This is also an appropriate place to reiterate that the Club has zero tolerance for bullying and discrimination of any kind for any reason. Everyone is welcome at Killy no matter your race, gender, religion, sexuality or anything else that makes you, you. If you see it or are experiencing it at any level, from our youngest nippers to our most senior ranks, we want to know. We have a formal grievance procedure in place or you can simply tell someone you trust and rest assured it will be dealt with appropriately.

We're not just about helping strangers in the water, we're here to help and support our clubmates.

If you feel caught in one of life's rips, put up your hand and we'll come and get you.

If you spot someone who's been 'out the back' longer than you think they can handle, ask if they're ok.


Professional Services

Lifeline - 13 11 14

Mates in Construction - 1300 642 111

beyondblue - 1300 224 636

Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800

MensLine Australia - 1300 789 978