Mostly sunny, 18° - 28°

Tides - 5:13am - 1.51m | 12:21pm - 0.65m | 6:11pm - 1.15m | 11:31pm - 0.75m |

Swell - 06:00 0.8m E, 5" | 12:00 0.8m ESE, 8" | 18:00 1.1m E, 5"

Complaints Process

Complaints Process

Killcare SLSC takes all complaints seriously. Where there is an allegation of any impropriety, we will be bound by the SLSA Policy made under clause 39 of the SLSA Constitution. It is binding on all Members of SLSA and is to be interpreted in accordance with the SLSA Constitution. It is a Membership directive under SLSA Regulation 4.

Under the policy, members should first try to resolve the complaint between the parties. If this is not possible, you should lodge a formal complaint here.

If it is an emergency or a crime has taken place, call the Police on 000 prior to lodging through the SLS Reporting System.