Partly cloudy, 21° - 30°
Tides - 2:20am - 1.61m | 8:42am - 0.58m | 2:37pm - 1.35m | 8:42pm - 0.56m |
Swell - 06:00 1.3m E, 7" | 12:00 1.1m E, 7" | 18:00 1.3m ENE, 9"
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The minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Killcare SLSC, held over Zoom on August 9 2021.
All you need to know about the best season of Kill Nippers EVER!
Extract from the 2024/25 POM detailing the procedure for changing to one of the flexible patrolling options
Here's a quick run down on the new FlexiPatrol system.